Monday, January 29, 2007

City of blinding lights!

Yeaahahaa! Just can't get enough of random shots of Mumbai, now, can I ? Well no! Of course not! Bllaahahaaha! ..& there's a lot more Mumbai to come!
This, byy thaa wayy, is the main road; Andheri market. Its just so yellow light-ish man! All those (blinding) street lights & tube lights!
Here's the romaanchak part: Clicked this picture through a cracked loo window that I came across, after writing an Economics paper. Blaahaha!
Cheers \m/, (+.+) ,\m/


bluebassangel said...

sesskki!! looks kickass!..hehe! nice...

Pratz said...


Anonymous said...

and how did that economics paper go?

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.